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1,84 CHF
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A 9 2,95 CHF
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Da 30 1,84 CHF 37,63 %
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Valutazione cliente per "Scalda-Suole"
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Great warm feet for hours.

Excellent. No more cold feet.

Beginning of the FOOTCOLD time

Now, with the onset of the cold season, it's time again for me to provide warm feet via your excellent sole warmers/non-stick insoles. I gave a pair to my 80+ year old landlady to try out. Since she is also thrilled, I am ordering for her right now.
Love and thanks!

Super top, même après 4h00 de sortie elles sont encore chaude

Je recommande

scalda suole

ottimo venditore, ottimo prodotto


Fino a quando non ho provato le vostre solette, per me era un supplizio, andare a sciare, camminare sulla neve, caccia, pescare, insomma tutte le attività, da fare all'aria aperta in inverno, ma ora mi posso permettere tutto, se anche altre persone hanno le difficoltà che avevo io, non esitate ad comperarle ne rimarrete entusiati


Buon giorno, Ogni anno e ormai ne sono passati tanti, che utilizzo le scalda suole di vostra produzione, che sono meravigliose, per me il freddo ai piedi é solo un brutto ricordo.

Solette eccezionali

Buona sera, ormai sono anni che le uso queste fantastiche solette, ora le ho fatte provare ad un amico ed é rimasto stupito dal caldo che hanno prodotto ai suoi piedi

prodotto buono mantiene lavoro come descritto

prodotto buono mantiene lavoro come descritto

Non saprei come farne a meno io che ho sempre i piedi freddi. Con gli stivaletti Ugg sono il massimo :-))

Non saprei come farne a meno io che ho sempre i piedi freddi. Con gli stivaletti Ugg sono il massimo :-))






In Canada, nella neve, li indossavo al mattino con un paio di stivali pesanti e calze in lana merino e stavo al caldo tutto il giorno. Se la sera uscivo ancora per fotografare l'aurora boreale, li trovavo ancora caldi!

Very happy to use Insole Foot Warmers for winter outdoor photography

I use Insole FOot Warmers mostly for my winter outdoor photography, the heat lasts quite long. I have used them in hides for wildlife photography during very cold and at times snowy winter, during a photography trip to Lofoten, Norway in february where we were outside all day in quite cold conditions (Snow and wind). Very happy with them. They work best if shoe/boot is not too tight. I put the insole in the boot a few minutes before putting on the boots to let the insoles start heating, but not for too long otherwise it will be burning hot. Recommendable.

great product , kept our feet warm the whole day at -25 degree.

great product , kept our feet warm the whole day at -25 degree. And delivered perfectly in time when the cold period started last month

Top top top

At first I thought I bought the wrong ones. I always used the foot warmers you stick to your socks. But these insole footwarmers are even better. I used them when the outside temperature was minus 17 and I had no cold feet at all!! Because you have more friction when the sole is not attached to your socks it works better!! You can also easily switch between your snowboots and skiboots and still have warm feet! So I am very happy with the insole footwarmers!!

Pratique, efficace, endurant!

J'utilise ces semelles depuis plusieurs années pour la pratique du VTT pendant la saison d'hiver. Le produit est parfait et procure une chaleur confortable pendant au moins une demi journée passée à l'extérieur. C'est donc un élément incontournable pour rester actif pendant les saisons froides. Je ne peux plus m'en passer!



warmth for the cold weather

This is the coldest weather we have had for several years, and this week the temperature is below freezing, night and day. So "thank you" to the Heat Company for providing a product which keeps my feet toasty warm for all my waking hours.

Super Produkt

Super Produkt

Solette e scaldamani

Ormai sono anni che uso le solette scaldapiedi di vostra produzione, ora con le nuove il calore si protrae ancora più a lungo, quindi un bel vantaggio per chi deve stare a lungo al freddo.

Inoltre vorrei segnalare a chi soffre per il freddo alle mani, lo scaldamani che è fantastico quindi ve lo consiglio se volete vincere le mani gelide:


Very usefull, warm all day long, from fingers to heels!

Fantastic product

This is a brilliant product, stays warm for hours. The Heat company give fantastic customer service, the products are quickly dispatched and you can track them all the way :-)

Piedi al caldo

Very warm and comfortable feet with this wonderful product! Advice it to all!

Piedi caldi tutto il giorno

Presi per visitare i mercatini di Natale, messi negli scarponi mantengono i piedi caldi tutto il giorno. Ottimo acquisto



Very good

Very good service and product.


My husband works at Mercamadrid at the fish place, at nights, it’s freezing clod there. We had tried different types of boots, socks, foot warmers...but they weren’t never enough....until we tried yours! Thank you, it makes hard wolk at freezing cold temperatures much more comfortable


High quality product, fast delivery, fair prices!
I am thinking to start a little business based on heat products...Iceland is cold most of the year, and fisherman's wearing the rubber boots really need those products easy to use and very efficient!

A great invention! Very efficient and long lasting.

Very efficient! When it is really cold outside, these will be a great help to keep your feet warm. They are so efficient that if you temporarily drive a car it is nearly inconvenient to have these in your shoes. On-off switch would be nice, but of course impossible to have here. When the reaction is started it goes to the end.

Simply love them, easy to use, never disappionted.

Good service, fast delivery and adequite communication.

Very pleased with it!

Lately in Holland it was snowing, and I tested the foot warmers on one of my bicycle night rides.
The XL fit perfectly on my size 45. I was a bit worried how they would endure the pedalling but they were just fine, not to thick or weird feeling.
The warmth was very comfortable. Back home I put them in a closed bag and indeed the reaction stopped, ready for later use.
This short test was enough to make me confident for a long tour in the cold. Excellent!

Molto efficace

Contro il freddo più intenso permettono di uscire senza problemi

Tutto perfetto

Tutto perfetto

Best value!

I use these foot warmers most days after damaging my feet and spinal cord. They stay warm most of the day and are very good value.

caldo quanto serve

Il prodotto è ottimo e risolve piacevolmente il problema dei piedi freddi. Uso le solette per andare in mtb. La durata è ottima e supera anche le sette ore.

Excellent products!!

A real life saver, a must have on a hike, in your car, in your camera bag!

Più rigide di quelle adesive, non si piegano dentro la scarpa

Per quanto riguarda il calore sono ottime. In più hanno la corretta rigidità per non piegarsi all'interno della scarpa, anche dopo lunghe camminate. Per questo le preferisco a quelle adesive.
Hanno risolto il problema dei miei piedi freddi, sia in casa che fuori.

Best on market

These insoles last for longer than any others that I have tried. They also work out very reasonable when brought by the box!

Good product

Easy to use. Nice feeling in the cold.


Got some for an elderly neighbour. He loves them

Excellent insoles

I have tried several different makes of insole and these are the best fit, stay warm for longest and are the best value.

Doing a great job

Bought the insole warmer for use in photographing birds from some hides during winter. It was quite cold and thanks to those insole warmers plus some handwarmers the hourse of sitting quiet in the hides, sometimes at -5 degrees Celsius, it was by far more bearable than had I been without. Specially the insole warmers did a great job warming for 10 hours on the go, whilst the hand warmers I used to heat up the hands from time to time, or the cheeks, or the nose. Ican recommend this product. Also service is fast and reliable. Very satisfied. Taking more of this stuff on my coming photographic trip to northern Finland.


I am a dressage judge and spend many hours sitting still judging horses, often in an unheated hut. However many layers you put on your feet always end up cold.
They are so much better than all other similar products I have tried as they heat the whole foot not just your toes as many products do.
They are thinner than some products too so they are not bulky in your shoes.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★




Couldn't do without these!

These heated insoles are lifesavers for me! I use them for cycling in winter and they stop my feet going numb! I would also wear them for watching football or rugby matches, when standing still results in freezing feet.
Highly recommended for cold feet sufferers.

No more chilblains

Thanks to the Heat Company I now have warm feet all winter, and no more chilblains.

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